Klagén, not drágen!

Source: FreePik Klagén, not drágen! You know that feeling? Those days when everything...

A metaphor for personal leadership

Een metafoor voor persoonlijk leiderschap Door: Wendy van de Kragt Het…

Your childhood hero as a source of inspiration

Image: Freepik Your childhood hero as a source of inspiration Who was your...

How personal leadership helps you with 'imposter syndrome'

Do you struggle to see or experience your successes? Do you find it difficult to...

Career coaching

Seeking certainty in your career; sexier than you might have thought! A contribution...

Emotional agility

Emotional agility or EI (Emotional Intelligence) (A contribution by...

Verandering en verlies

Change and loss

Contribution by Lemongrass Coach Wendy van de Kragt Change and loss The...


Horse coaching

Working with a furry coach on four legs... (Contributed by LemonGrass Coach...

act met lemon grass coaching


Go crazy and bring change to your life with ACT Ever heard of ACT?...

zingeving en de helende kracht van verhalen

Finding meaning and the healing power of stories

Image from Freepik, Click here for the link Meaning and the healing power...

mindfulness lemon grass coaching


Image by Freepik, click here for image Do you have the power of...