A metaphor for personal leadership

A metaphor for personal leadership

By: Wendy van de Kragt

Developing personal leadership has long been a standard part of management development programmes. Rightly so, and in our opinion personal leadership is not only important for leaders but for every professional and every human being. In these turbulent times, it provides grip and vision, from within.

At LemonGrass Coaching, we use the metaphor of the tree in our view of personal leadership. The tree needs firm roots to grow and develop. The same applies to us humans. By getting in touch with your 'roots' and becoming aware of what has shaped you, what nourishes and inspires you, you create the basis for growth. Through your compass, the heart of the tree, you make the move from 'inside to outside'; from insight to expression. You make choices that are in line with your compass and express them more consciously in behaviour and communication. Themes such as connection, autonomy, setting boundaries, assertiveness, daring, playing, harvesting and a personal leadership manifesto are part of this. In summary, you increase your personal leadership through three steps:

  1. Self-examination and awareness (roots)
  2. Charting your compass (strain)
  3. Shaping personal leadership (branches and leaves)

In both our coaching programmes and our group programme, we work according to these steps.