Finding meaning and the healing power of stories

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Finding meaning and the healing power of stories

A while back, I attended an inspiring workshop on meaning at Marianne Panneman. This covered some ingredients that contribute to meaning including: having goals (direction) in your life and connection with others. It also mentioned the importance of 'storytelling' as a way to give meaning to the world. What emerges is that people need stories to give meaning to their lives. If the life story lacks cohesion, or something doesn't make sense, people often look for a way to make it make sense again. Conversations with a psychologist or coach, or perhaps with a close friend, can help in this regard to create a coherent story of your own life that will help you better understand yourself and the world (from the book 'The power of meaning'). 

This probably explains why I find it so interesting to listen to people's (life) stories, including those of my clients, and to contribute to a piece of meaning in (working) life. As part of a career path, I like to use the Career Story Interview to help people find direction in their careers. Together, we look for the common thread in your life story and what insight it gives us about the career choice to be made. 

Curious about the common thread in your career story? You are welcome for an intake and/or more information!